Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Chronicles of Bigfoot

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Damian Bravo, a researcher of the unexplained. Check out this teaser for his new podcast, Fantastical Universe The Podcast.

The forest of North America is a vast environment filled with critters of all types and sizes, with the majority of scientist agreeing all species of animals found on the North American continent are already documented and cataloged. Yet the thousands of strange reports and sightings of a possible bipedal creature half man half primate are giving life to a legend waiting to possibly become a scientific fact. Is Sasquatch a relic which existed prior to Homo sapiens arriving in North America?

If the theory of the Bering Land Bridge were early man crossed from the Eastern Asian continent to Western North America is even remotely correct, did Sasquatch migrate as some theorize -- like early humans? Or did our ancestors encroach into a world already populated by the supposed Sasquatch species? Could our early ancestor be responsible just like some scientist theorize Homo sapiens were the cause of the downfall of Neanderthal man, did they also cause the Sasquatch species to dwindle trough out the thousands of years of human development?

The first Nation tribes of North America have passed down stories of the existence of such a creature, at times with supernatural powers giving Sasquatch the ability to travel supposedly from one dimension to another. The first aboriginal people arrived in North America around 10,000 years ago and evidence of their early existence has been depicted in sculptures, carvings, wall paintings and petroglyphs.

One important factor in the connection of Sasquatch with the early ancestors of the First Nation tribes is the depiction of the creature in their folklore, art and sculptures. In one of the many Native American stories on the possible existence of Sasquatch it explains the creatures were already in North America long before the first nation tribes early ancestors arrived. No known reference or evidence exist to confirm the supposed Sasquatch species came across the Bering Land Bridge as some scientist believe humans also did.

Other scientist have theorized that at some point in about the last 100,000 years the oceans could have also been low enough to allow different types of species including our early ancestor to migrate from one continent to another and not just an ice bridge was the contributor to early species migrations in the last ice age.

Some are still holding on to the Giganto primate theory, yet the gap between the demise of Giganto which places the species disappearance at about 300 thousand years ago, does not give a good chance of the species evolving into the Sasquatch creatures we here sightings and reports of today. Yet nature has proven that some species can evolve and mutate to adapt to their environments. Giganto would had to adapt to the North American forest which by the evidence we see today has not had any primate species develop on its own except for the last 80 years, a hardy population of Rhesus monkeys has been flourishing in Florida’s Everglades. Sure makes you wonder if the Rhesus monkeys have survived for so long why could not a Sasquatch like primate species do the same.

In the end, the quest for answers on why so many people are reporting sightings of a bipedal primate so dubbed Sasquatch still continues. Could it be the thousands of people that have seen the elusive creature are just seeing things or something is really out there? Come to think of it, the forest of North America covers about 70% of the continent and surprisingly theirs still forested areas of North America that have not been explored by man.

So get your hiking boots on, Sasquatch evidence collection kits, video and digital cameras and see if you could find some amazing evidence on the elusive creature known as Sasquatch.

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